Participating in a HDAA special interest group is a great way to meet colleagues and take advantage of the wealth of expertise they offer. SIGs meet periodically to discuss their areas of interest in detail, and gather in person at our annual conferences. Proceedings are recorded: select the specific group to view available content.

If you're interested in organizing a new SIG around a different topic, or want more information about these programs, please contact Bruce Douglas HDAA Programs.

Advanced Analytics
Co-chair: Dan Schneider Northwestern Medicine
Co-chair: Jeff Weaver Emory University

Chair: M.J. Darling Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters

Analytics with Epic
Co-chair: Peter Ivers Johns Hopkins Medicine
Co-chair: JD Whitlock Dayton Children's Hospital

Data Governance
Chair: Patrick Day Evernorth

Data Literacy
Chair: Patrick Day Evernorth

Pharmacy and Medication Use
Chair: John Valentine Intermountain Healthcare

Population Health Analytics
Chair: Martha Sylvia Medical University of South Carolina

Women in Analytics
Chair: Jennie Macy University of Michigan Medicine

Click here for the full archive of previous HDAA SIG proceedings. Accessible by HDAA members only.